Women @ Ardent

Elevating Women

Women @ Ardent provides opportunities to network with and learn practical solutions from Ardent’s own women leaders, sharing industry knowledge and leadership experience. The goal is to support all women in our organization to overcome gender barriers and prepare themselves for leadership opportunities. We believe that having more diverse leaders makes our company stronger.

One of the ways we fulfill the mission of Women @ Ardent is to host webinars covering a wide range of topics from leadership skills, finances, communication tactics to professional development. All Ardent team members are welcome to join.


Elevate & Engage, sponsored by Women @ Ardent, is intended to foster relationships in the workplace to help team members grow professionally and personally.

Whether you are looking to build connections, receive career guidance or develop a new skill, a mentor can be impactful when trying to advance your career. Inversely, as a mentor, sharing the knowledge gained throughout your career to help elevate others within the organization builds a more cohesive and collaborative team. Together, we can support one another and celebrate the successes of everyone.

How to Join

Please watch for communications to sign up for the next mentoring program.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please reach out to Stacy Tidrow at Stacy.Tidrow@lovelace.com.


To learn more about the mentoring program, please view these FAQs.

Click here to view a brief informational webinar recording about Elevate & Engage Mentoring Program. 

Women @ Ardent Champions

A Women @ Ardent Champion embraces the mission of advancing women in the workplace. The ideal Champion is someone skilled at uniting team members within their facility or market, fostering ongoing conversations, and increasing awareness about Women @ Ardent. If you are interested in becoming a Champion in your local facility please reach out to Ellie Hollihan at ellie.hollihan@ardenthealth.com.

Click here to view the Champions toolkit.

Past Webinars

Three Secrets on How to Coach People to Success


Being An Ally - Creating Inclusion for All

On Wednesday, June 23, Women @ Ardent and the Diversity & Inclusion Council hosted a webinar on how to be an effective ally to support others in our organization. Here’s what we learned:

  • What it means to be an ally, whether through mentoring or sponsoring or building confidence;
  • How to identify concrete actions you can personally take to help achieve gender diversity;
  • How to be a change agent – inclusive, catalyst, disrupter;

RECOGNITION: The Power of Providing Feedback

How do you recognize your employee’s and peer’s accomplishments at work? During this 45-minute webinar, Chelsea Barth, HR Director, Hillcrest Shared Services and Gina Crase-Patterson, HR Director, Utica Park Clinic and Oklahoma Heart Institute will discuss the importance of providing feedback and giving recognition. These women leaders will provide you with clear takeaways and examples of how to recognize someone on your Team. This topic of recognition is timely given May is National Nurses Month, where we recognize the vast contributions and positive impact nurses have.


LinkedIn Quick Tips

LinkedIn Quick Tips

Cultivating a positive company culture is integral to increasing employee engagement, retention and overall productivity. There are many ways to build a positive culture, and one of the ways is through a tool you may be familiar with - LinkedIn.

Creating A Positive Culture

Creating A Positive Culture

Learn more about our July webinar topic "Building, Shaping and Maintaining a Positive Company Culture" by viewing these books and clinical resources on this topic and service excellence.